
Tropical Paradise AG32

I was quite happy how this piece turned out. It was for the 3 Young Contemporaries review show at VWfa which opened last week. Although I have to admit that my craftmanship can be improved (as always), i think the idea of repeatition allowed some mistakes. Corners are harder to tackle.

In case you can't figure out the images; its all the cliches of exotic life in this part of the world. Of dancing women to kampung scenes. A local artist said that he painted these kind of images because it connects with our shared memories of childhood, but not all of us are from kampungs. I can only see these images as something that our tourism ministry uses to sell the Malaysia-Truly-Asia image.

I set out to stencil wallpaper since the wondermilk shutters last year. and i think i might have worn out the idea. Its the basic idea of repeatition and grid. and I am getting quite tired of it myself. its starting to be too easy. but now it seems the audience are catching on. i think i should stop.

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